Everyone’s an LLM, Including You

You’re just like ChatGPT—your thoughts and actions are shaped by the inputs you’ve been exposed to. This post explores how your beliefs are programmed, why your outputs reflect your inputs, and how you can reprogram yourself to take control of your life.

AI gen-ed image

You’re basically ChatGPT, just a human version.

Alright, hear me out. Everything you believe, everything you say, everything you are—it’s all based on the stuff you’ve been exposed to. Your brain’s like an AI model, trained on whatever inputs it’s had over the years: things your parents told you, stuff you saw on the news, that one random podcast you listened to last week.

You’re not as free-thinking as you like to imagine. None of us are. We’re all just spitting out “outputs” based on the “training data” we’ve soaked up over time. You call it personality or perspective, but really, it’s just your personal algorithm doing its thing.

Inputs = Beliefs

Most people think they have their own original opinions. They don’t. Everything they believe comes from what they’ve been exposed to—TikTok, YouTube, the news, whatever.

TikTok’s For You page isn’t just showing random stuff. It’s shaping how people think. Same with YouTube. Watch a couple of videos, and suddenly you’re convinced quitting your job to sell candles on Etsy is the key to happiness. People don’t even realise how much this stuff is programming them.

And the media doesn’t care about truth. It feeds people whatever keeps them engaged. That’s why so many opinions are just regurgitated nonsense. If someone’s spouting garbage, it’s not because they’re stupid. Their inputs are just rubbish.

Perspectives Are Just Outputs

It’s funny how one person thinks capitalism is the root of all evil, while another swears it’s the best thing that’s ever happened. It’s just down to what they’ve been exposed to. If someone’s grown up hearing that capitalism exploits people, that’s all they’ll see. But if they’ve only been shown how it creates opportunities, they’ll think it’s the answer to everything.

That’s where garbage in, garbage out comes in. What you take in shapes what you put out. If your inputs are all doom and gloom, your outlook’s going to be the same. But if you’ve been surrounded by decent ideas, good advice, or just balanced information, you’re more likely to have a better take on things.

Blame The Code, Not The Person

Once you get that people are just running on whatever inputs they’ve had, it makes them a lot easier to deal with. Most of the time, people aren’t deliberately being awful—they’re just stuck with the rubbish they’ve been fed.

If someone’s always making bad choices or coming out with nonsense, it’s not because they’re hopeless. It’s down to the stuff they’ve been exposed to—their upbringing, their mates, the media they watch. They’re just running on bad code.

This doesn’t mean you let people off the hook. Some people need to sort themselves out. But it does mean you stop taking it personally when someone’s difficult. It’s not about you—they’re just repeating what they’ve learned, whether it’s right or wrong.

Reprogramming Yourself

You’re an LLM. Your brain is running on the data you’ve been fed your whole life. If your results aren’t what you want—if you’re broke, unfit, or stuck—it’s because your inputs have been rubbish. Garbage in, garbage out. You can’t expect elite-level outputs if you’re constantly feeding yourself nonsense.

But here’s the thing: just like an LLM, you can reprogram yourself. If your code isn’t working for you, rewrite it. Surround yourself with people who are smashing it, soak up their habits and mindset. Watch what winners do. Feed your brain the right data—conversations that challenge you, environments that push you, and experiences that show you what’s possible.

Your outputs—your decisions, your results, your life—are entirely in your hands. Stop blaming bad luck or other people. Take control of your inputs, upgrade your code, and start running like the high-performance machine you’re meant to be.

You’ve Just Been Reprogrammed

Here’s the crazy bit: even reading this blog is part of your inputs. The way you’re experiencing these words right now? It’s just your brain running its model, processing this new data based on everything you’ve been exposed to before.

If this blog has made you think differently, it’s because it’s just added a little tweak to your programming. And that’s the whole point—you’re proof of the system. What you take in shapes what you put out.

The question is, what are you going to do with it? You’ve just fed your brain some new inputs, but nothing changes unless you act on it. Are you going to carry on running the same old code, or are you going to take control and start reprogramming yourself properly?

It’s up to you.